How to set up Breakerblocks

Breakerblocks 2.0 will work without any setup

That's right. If you just choose the copy variant "Copy as you see it", all the blocks will work right out of the box, and they will even still adapt to your brand color and automatically make shadings of that color, used for boxes, headings, backgrounds, etc.

Just go to "My account" and set your preferres copy variant.

Breakerblocks has a theme generator that all the blocks can inherit styling after.

Step 1: Go to /theme-generator and create your color theme.

Step 2: Copy the generated CSS output of the chosen color theme.

Step 3: Go to your Breakdance Global settings on your own website project.

Step 4: Scroll down to the Code tab and press to add a stylesheet.

Step 5: Paste the generated CSS output from the theme generator.

Step 6: Go into My account on Breakerblocks and set your preferred copy variant as "Copy with Breakerblocks theme"

Breakerblocks 2.0 blocks can adapt to your Headspin theme!

Step 1: Go into My account on Breakerblocks and set your preferred copy variant as "Copy for Headspin Copilot"

Step 2: All copied blocks will inherit your Headspin settings and colors!