We aim to keep around half the blocks free for all. Get started with a free account here .
No, but with a free account you have lots of blocks to copy - a good way to get the full sense of what the premium product is.
We commit to adding at least 20 new blocks, every single month, starting October 2024.
In fact, we guarantee it:
We are going to maintain a changelog where you will see all blocks that have been added in each single month. If you call us out* that a completed month does not have 20 new blocks, you will be eligible for a refund.
*(by sending an email to get@breakerblocks.com)
It sure does!
You can even test it on the feature section on the front page of breakerblocks. The only thing you have to do is make sure you have selected a brand color in your global settings in Breakdance. Then you can choose the "Copy as you see it" option in your Breakerblocks account , and all blocks should adapt to your brand color.
On the preview page of each block, there is a form at the top where you can send in an error report.
We actually guarantee that if we have not resolved the issue within 72 hours, you are eligible for a refund.